surgeinnovate technology for businesses looking to transact with their own branded style
A distributed layer of technology atop of digital banking architecture to create your own control for business transactions
Set rules for transactability
Introduce dynamic rules pertaining to the way your business manages its currency
Issue incentives to drive loyalty
Create an uplift in spend through promotional cash incentives to be spent in your business
Power currency transfers
Enable closed loop payments and transfers between your people and your business
Payment Solutions
We’ve simplified payment solutions so you can provide your customers with a secure and comfortable payment experience.
Identity & KYC
surgeinnovate has a comprehensive KYC checks from onboarding and beyond.
AI-powered to distinguish a real face
With the emerging digital economy of today, businesses can improve their customer verification process, better comply with relevant KYC requirements, and further secure their business against the ongoing threat of online fraud and transactional risk.
Biometric facial scanning to match government issued identification documents
Our advanced OCR-scanning and Bio-matching process involves comparing an individual's facial geometry to that of a photograph from a government issued identification.
Next-generation facial recognition – the real-time solution for remote authentication for businesses across the world.
Gamify the process of consumer identity to unlock loyalty
Verify your customers and their transactions in real-time with biometric consent; authenticate with Selfie Verification along with a Unique Message such as printed or handwritten document.
Leverage the QR & NFC technology, and safeguard the future success of your business
Secure your growth in a landscape when implementing QR & NFC Connect to track engagement, assets and transactability
Identify stakeholder engagement and registrations
Secure the movement of key personnel, customers and employees in your business
Consolidate a dynamic property and asset registry
Tag relevant assets to maintain an audit trail for useability and reservations
Manage business promotions, ticketing and transactions
Host contactless QR check-in whilst managing real-time promotions and payments on QR rails
NFC Technology
surgeinnovate allows short-range wireless technology that allows your phone to act as a transit pass or credit card